Tickle Me: 50 Best Riddles And Answers

11) Which month of the year sees people sleeping the least?

Answer: February. It’s the shortest month ?

12) This is a seed with three letters in its name. Even if you take away the last two letters, the seed will still sound the same. What is it?

Answer: Pea. Take out the last two, you get P.

Read Scoops top 50 Riddles and Answers

13) Doctor Lloyd and his bus driver are both in love with the same woman – a very pretty girl named Rachel. The bus driver soon had to go on a long bus trip that would last a week. To give himself peace of mind, he gave Rachel seven apples before leaving. Can you tell us why?

Answer: An apple a day keeps Doctor Lloyd away.

14) What’s the word you would call a famous lobster?

Answer: A lob-STAR. Lol.

15) 3 men are stranded on a boat with 4 cigarettes, but they don’t have a lighter. How do they smoke?

Answer: They throw one cigarette over board. What do they get? They make the boat a cigarette lighter.

16) A young boy named Athy went to a carnival with his girlfriend and he went to a stall where a man challenged him, “If I write your exact weight on a piece of paper, you owe me $50, but if I can’t, I will pay you $50.” Athy didn’t see any weighing scale around, so he agreed, knowing that the man wouldn’t get his exact weight. However, Athy ending up paying the man $50 eventually. How did the man win this bet?

Answer: The man did as he promised Athy. He didn’t write a number, but ‘your exact weight’ on the piece of paper.

17) Halloween Riddle

Your friends challenge you to go into a haunted house. You enter and there is a long passage which leads to an old and dark room, which has 3 doors. You’re scared now. You try to turn back, but the door is closed and has been locked. You have no option but to keep going. The room is dark and you look for light. You see a switch and try to turn it on. Unfortunately, the power is out. You are terrified now, but have no other choice but to go to the 3 doors in the darkness. Behind one door is a bottomless pit. Behind another door is an electric chair which you must sit in to progress. Behind the last door is a pool full of flesh-eating sharks. You must choose one door. Which one will you go through?

Answer: You should choose the electric chair. The power is out, right? Sit in the electric chair and it will have no effect on you.

18) Which room in your house do the ghosts avoid?

Answer: The living room.

19) Suraj lives in a 1-storey house in California made ‘entirely of redwood’. Let’s test your knowledge. What colour would his stairs be?

Answer: Suraj lives in a 1-storey house. What stairs are you talking about?

20) Easy one: How do you make the number ONE disappear?

Answer: Add the letter G. Now, it’s GONE.


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