Tickle Me: 50 Best Riddles And Answers

31) What 7 letter word is spelt the same way backwards and forewords?

Answer: The word RACECAR.

32) I have 3 eye colors:

  • RED, and
  • GREEN.

When my red eye opens, everyone freezes. What am I?

Answer: Traffic signal.

Read Scoops best 50 Riddles and Answers.gif

33) A son and lawyer go fishing. The boy was the lawyer’s son, but the lawyer wasn’t the boy’s father. Please tell us how was this possible?

Answer: The lawyer was the boy’s mom.

34) I can be made. I can be cracked. I can be played. I can be told. What am I?

Answer: A Joke!

35) Word Fun: Here’s a fruit. Cross off the first letter of this fruit to get a crime. Cross of the second letter of the original to get an animal. Cross off the next two letters to get a vowel. What is the fruit?

Answer: Fruit is GRAPE. Crime is RAPE. Animal is APE. Vowel is E.

36) Mr. George kills his wife Crystal and hides her body deep within bushes in a nearby forest. The next day, police call George and say his wife has been murdered, while also telling him to come to the crime scene immediately. As soon as George reaches the crime scene, he gets arrested for Crystal’s murder. Why?

Answer: The police never told George where the crime scene was. Caught RED-handed!

37) Why is Santa Claus considered extremely good at Karate?

Answer: Because he has a black belt. Ho ho ho!

38) Name one thing which is orange in colour and sounds like a parrot?

Answer: A CARROT.

39) Mr Prince moved to Qatar and was enjoying his new job at the airways. Although he missed his two kids back in India, flying had become his life. One day, in an extremely reckless move, Prince jumped from the plane without a parachute. However, he suffered no injuries and lived to see his kids again. How is that possible?

Answer: The plane was on the ground. Parked.

40) Seven oranges are in a basket. How do you divide them among seven women so that each woman gets an orange, but one orange remains in the basket?

Answer: Give the seventh woman her orange in the basket.


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